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Upcoming Member Event/Activities

Socials and Tournaments

Pickleball & Bunco - Ladies Night

BVPA is hosting two fun filled evenings of combining pickleball + bunco. We have space for up to 32 players. We will start a waitlist after the first 16 registrants, then if we can get another 16 players, we’ll open a second set of courts. You are not considered “registered” until you receive a confirmation text that will contain more information about the format and refreshments.

Friday nights, 9/13 and 10/11 at 7pm

Cost: $5 cash at door, to be paid back in prizes.

These events are for novice to advanced BVPA members. A registration link was included in a TeamSnap email about the event.

(Coming Soon)

  • Pickleball & Poker - Men's Night

  • Monster Smash (Halloween Themed event)

  • Team Turkey Trot

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