BVPA Membership Information
Becoming a member of BVPA entitles you to speak out on organization issues and keeps you informed of openings and closings of facilities as well as providing you with the latest news on upcoming tournaments and activities though our organization TeamSnap account. Your membership gives the organization strength in numbers in talking with the city and county on getting more facilities for pickleball.
Membership Dues & Fees:
$40.00 per year (January 1 - December 31)
$20.00 for July - December
$10.00 for October - December
$ 5.00 for one day (guest/visitor rate)
How to Join/Renew Membership:
Complete Membership Registration Form (PDF) or fill out our Electronic Membership Registration form.
Prepare dues payment (credit, check or cash)
BVPA can invoice members to allow payment by credit card through TeamSnap. A credit card convenience fee will be added to all credit card charges ($2.80 for $40)
Checks should be made out to "Brazos Valley Pickleball Association" or "BVPA".
Submit form and payment to any officer. Forms and payment can also be mailed to the BVPA treasurer at:
Brazos Valley Pickleball Association
c/o Brenda Watson, Treasurer
1511 Fairhaven Cove
College Station, TX 77845