2020-2021 Officers
Karin Plotts - Pickleball can be a life changing sport. I want our association to be aggressive about promoting this
game that I love. I want to see an inclusive association whose goal is to introduce, teach, train and
maintain a roster of active pickleball players. I want us to continue pursuing opportunities for adding
more venues, court time and streamlining the process of applications and payment of dues. I want us to
be proactive in procuring the best avenue of communication with our association members. I want to
see more in-club and beyond tournaments. Most of all, I want to see our members step up and
volunteer to help make pickleball a household word in Bryan/College Station.
Vice President
Ron Edwards - I never thought I would play a sport more fun than softball, but pickleball is it (so I quit softball, ha-ha). Theresa taught me how to play, a little over three years ago, and I haven't stopped playing since. I love watching everyone improve and love the fun attitude that pickleball-ers have. I encourage everyone to play in local tournaments as well as occasionally venturing out of town to play. I enjoy playing with new players, and look forward to have new folks join the BVPA full-time.
Linda Gaas has served as the BVPA treasurer and played pickleball since 2014. She has quite a bit
of experience managing money and finances since she works full-time managing accounts receivable for
a lumber company. She has served as treasurer in a number of other organizations as well. She is a
USAPA member and plays competitively in regional tournaments.
Secretary / IT Web
Tracey Forman - I'm fairly new to the sport of pickleball. I first joined the BVPA in the late fall of 2016. I've enjoyed
learning about the sport and getting to know members of the community that play.
Past President
Theresa Ruffino Connaughton has been at the heart of the Brazos Valley pickleball world, having been a part of the Ag Silvers organization that brought pickleball to Bryan after the conclusion of a successful senior basketball career. Theresa serves as a USAPA Ambassador and has attended numerous clinics, pickleball academies, and is an active competitor in pickleball tournaments around Texas. Theresa served as the President for multiple years and has been instrumental in helping to secure facilities in which to play,